A waiting season doesn't have to be a wasted season. Don't waste this time.

Rich Wilkerson Jr.

About our Guest

On this episode of The Positive University Podcast, Jon Gordon talks with Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

Rich and his wife, Dawn, pastor VOUS Church, a meeting place of faith, creativity, and diversity in Miami, Florida. Rich is by far one of the greatest young communicator and leaders of our time.

During this conversation Rich and Jon talk about becoming a better leader, being a more influential communicator, why a season of waiting doesn’t have to be a wasted season, one of the big things we can learn from this global pandemic and so much more.

Connect with Rich @richwilkersonjr

Featured Resources:

We have several free videos, downloads and tools from Jon Gordon to help and your team stay positive, connected and grow stronger during this challenging time. Go to www.jongordon.com/resources

Show Notes

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